TEF Canada Test Exam Course Prep Coaching Classes Academy Institute in Gurgaon

What is the TEF exam?

All immigrants applying through the Express Entry system must demonstrate proficiency in either English or French. The Test d’Évaluation du Français (TEF Canada) is the only exam for proving proficiency in French, so if you want to claim points for French, you must take this exam.

The TEF test examines four different abilities in French: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The exam is offered in many countries around the world, however, spaces are often limited, so interested candidates should register in advance.

Express Entry includes three different immigration programs, each having a different minimum requirement for the language (see below). However, Express Entry is highly competitive, so candidates who score higher than the minimum will have a greater chance of success.

Please note that for Express Entry, all language test results are valid for two years from the date of the exam.

TEF Canada / TEF Quebec

The Test d’Évaluation de Français pour le Canada (TEF Canada) tests the French language proficiency of both native and non-native French speakers.

TEF Canada is recognized as official proof of language proficiency by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) as well as the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Diversité et de l’Inclusion (MIDI) du Québec for permanent residency applications, certificat de sélection du Québec applications and Canadian citizenship applications.

TEF Canada assesses the candidate’s level of proficiency using a 7-level scale based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). These levels are described in detail for each skill (reading/listening/writing/speaking).


The TEF Canada consists of 4 modules: listening, speaking, reading and/or writing.

Compréhension écrite (reading)

Compréhension orale (listening)

Expression écrite (writing)

Expression orale (speaking)

For  immigration to Quebec only, two modules are compulsory: Compréhension orale and Expression orale.

For immigration to Canada Federal (including Quebec) 4 modules are compulsory:

All four modules are held on the same day

How does TEF impact Express Entry?

Those interested in Express Entry must first create an Express Entry profile. As a part of this profile, candidates must include the results from an official language test. Based on their Express Entry profile, candidates will be assigned a score, out of 1200 points, called the Comprehensive Ranking System score, or CRS score.

All Express Entry candidates must include a language test. However, those including French-language test results from the TEF exam may have a few advantages. First, if a candidate submits TEF results showing the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) Level 7 or higher, they will receive additional points for French-language.

As well, French-language proficiency may make candidates eligible for some French-speaking Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs), like that of Ontario.

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada through Express Entry, you will have to prove that you can communicate in at least one of Canada’s official languages, either English or French. The only accepted exam for proving French-language proficiency in Express Entry is the Test d’Évaluation du Français (TEF Canada). French-speakers have several advantages in the Express Entry system.

TEF Canada(French) Test/Exam Preparation coaching at Gurgaon Academy:

Program Description

Duration: 6 Months (Approx.)

Days and Class Timing: Classes in batch size of about 5-10 students are held on weekends (Saturday & Sunday) between 9:00 am-4:00 pm. Each class session will last for about 2-3 hours approx. We also do classes on weekdays.

Benefits of The TEF Exam: French proficiency and Express Entry for PR to Canada.

Course Modules (TEF Canada): We cover all four sections/modules. Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.

Course Materials: We provide course materials

The Medium of Instruction: English and French

Course Fee:  INR 60,000 (Sixty Thousand Rupees). Non-refundable.

How to register for the course: Please call us to confirm the start date of the next batch for TEF Canada Course Preparation Classes.

If you have any query please Contact Us:

Gurgaon Academy

Call us: +91 99996 50006

Email: gurgaon.tutor@gmail.com

Web: www.gurgaonacademy.com

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