Gurgaon ACADEMY Coaching Institute for SAT 2 SUBJECT TEST-Physics

The SUBJECT SAT scores no doubt add muscle to a student’s profile. All schools do not require these scores and nor do all courses. All the same, it has become quite common for students to take 2 or 3 SUBJECT SAT tests either to compensate for their SAT scores or to augment them. The most common SAT SUBJECTS are Physics, Chemistry, Math Level I and Biology, with American Literature quickly gaining ground.

 Subject Test Coaching for Physics in Gurgaon NCR India

Gurgaon Academy’s SAT Subject Test Prep Courses

  • SAT Subject Test – Math Level 1
  • SAT Subject Test – Math Level 2
  • SAT Subject Test – Biology
  • SAT Subject Test – Physics
  • SAT Subject Test – Chemistry

Subject Test Coaching for Physics in Gurgaon NCR India

What are the SAT Subject Tests?

While almost every college requires the SAT (formerly called the SAT I exam or SAT Reasoning Test) for admission, many of the more competitive colleges (like Harvard, Princeton, Stanford, MIT, etc.) also require another set of exams called the SAT Subject Tests (formerly called the SAT II exams). The SAT Subject Tests are one-hour tests in specific disciplines such as the sciences, foreign languages, history, math, and literature.

The SAT Subject Tests are given the same day as the SAT. Since each test is one-hour long, you can take up to three exams on one test date. For the Ivy League schools, the SAT Subject Tests are almost as important as the SAT for admissions. In addition, for many public colleges, the SAT Subject Tests are used for placement purposes.

Subject Test Coaching for Physics in Gurgaon NCR India

SAT Subject Test Courses we offer

Gurgaon Academy offers classroom and online 1-on-1 and group courses for the following SAT Subject Tests. Each Subject Test Course has 15 classes of 2 hours each (30 hours total) and two full-length practice tests per subject.

  • Math Level I
  • Math Level II
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry

Subject Test Coaching for Physics in Gurgaon NCR India

Gurgaon Academy offers custom group courses in Gurgaon locations. We also arrange one-on-one class in our centre and in online mode. Our tutors are also available for home tutoring in certain locations in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad NCR regions of India. We offer quality SAT 2 Subject Test coaching that ensures students get the best possible preparation.

Our Faculty

Our Trainers at Gurgaon Academy are recognizable by their passion for good, smart teaching methodology and yet each trainer is an entity with his or her own very distinctive personality as a trainer. That makes for a team – a group for which the ideology of the organization is paramount but so is individual expertise. Each member of our team prioritizes interaction with clients/students and ensures providing very flexible solutions to individual problems. Trainers are extremely communicative and student friendly and this makes for very engaging and productive classes.

Subject Test Coaching for Physics in Gurgaon NCR India

What Is Covered On The SAT Subject Test In Physics?

The SAT Subject Test in Physics covers the Physics topics taught in a typical high school physics course. According to ETS, the topics covered on either test are as follows:

  • Mechanics
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Waves
  • Heat, Kinetic Theory, and Thermodynamics
  • Modern Physics
  • Miscellaneous


Test Format

Before going into the details about how to prepare, let’s first take a broad view of the test

  1. The test consists of 75 multiple choice questions and lasts 60 minutes.
  2. NO calculator is allowed — according to College Board, numerical computation is not emphasized on the test and only simple arithmetic will be needed.
  3. NO formula sheet — unlike on the AP test, they do not give you a formula sheet which means you should have the most important formulas memorized.
  4. There IS a penalty for guessing. Each correct answer is worth 1 point, a question you did not answer is worth 0 points, and a wrong answer has a penalty which depends on how many answer choice there are:  minus 1/4 point for 5 answer question, minus 1/3 point for 4 answer question and minus 1/2 point for 3 answer question.

Skills Covered

Below is a list of the skills that the test is designed to assess — keeping these in mind while you are taking your class will help you to focus your learning . The information in green comes straight from the college board website and the words in black are my added comments.

  1. Fundamental Knowledge — Remembering and understanding concepts or information (about 12-20% of the test). This means you need to have as many formulas memorized as possible. Because they do not give you an equation sheet, it would be a good idea to get in the habit of memorizing formulas as you learn them in class.
  2. Single-Concept Problems: applying a single physical relation or concept (about 48%–64% of test). This means using the formulas to solve problems. This is an extremely important skill for succeeding in physics and the best way to master it is to solve lots of problems. 
  3. Multiple-Concept Problems: integrating of two or more physical relationships or concepts (about 20%–35% of test).  This means solving problems that require one to apply a few formulas to get to the answer.

 Subject Test Coaching for Physics in Gurgaon NCR India

Topics Covered
In order to make your studying process most efficient, it is important to keep in mind what topics are covered and how important each topic is. Below is the College Board’s list of which topics are covered and the portion of the test devoted to them. Because Mechanics and E&M together make up 54%-66% of the test, you should spend much more time studying those topics than, say, special relativity (although special relativity is really cool!).


Test Preparation

Now that you are taking a course, and signed up for an exam, you will want to do these things in order maximize your chance of getting an 800

  1. Consistent Practice — During the month or so leading up to the exam 20 minute a day 5 days a week would be good. During the last few weeks before the exam I would suggest ramping this up to 45 minutes per day. On the test you have to solve 75 multiple choice questions in 60 minutes, which is A LOT, and the only way to get fast enough is to get a lot of practice. This will also help you to memorize formulas. A great way to practice regularly is to use a mobile study app like Physics X which is available on iOS and Android.
  2. Full Length Exams — In addition to regular consistent practice, it is important to do some full length practice exams. The subject test is 60 minutes long and requires some stamina. One resource for this is the official study guide for SAT subject tests published by College Board.


Taking the Test
The SAT subject tests are different than the tests you usually take in high school and in order to do your best you have to have a different strategy. Below are some important tips and strategies you should use when taking the test and whenever you are doing full length practice tests

  1. Answer Easiest Questions First — all correct answer are worth one point, but some questions are harder and take more time to solve. A good strategy would be to go through the test once and answer the easiest ones first and then go back to tackle harder problems.
  2. Work Fast — You have to answer 75 questions in 60 minutes so working fast is crucial. In order to get to this level of speed you have to solve hundreds and hundreds of practice questions so that when faced with a question you don’t have to think about how to solve it, you just solve it. A good way of increasing your speed would be to practice daily on your mobile device using Physics X.
  3. If you don’t know the answer, but can eliminate a few wrong answers then you should guess. There is a penalty for getting the wrong answer (-1/4 point for 5 answer question), but it is small enough that if you can eliminate one wrong answer then on average guessing won’t affect your score, and if you can eliminate two wrong answers, then guessing will improve your score. That being said, if you have no idea how to answer the question and all answers seem equally likely it is best not to guess.


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